by Kathy Graham
The HQ Companies
  • 2007: FINANCIAL SECTOR BLUR: The convergence of financial sectors would occur this year (example: previously hedge funds were separate entities from banks).
    “Keeping my fingers crossed, I’m going to say global economy is so robust and has handled so much so well to date, that I think 2007 financial services jobs will be plentiful with increasing compensation.”
  • 2006: “It’s going to be a great year. Enjoy!”
  • 2005: “More of the same but maybe a little slower because of increasing impact of globalization (outsourcing, etc.).”
    “Make hay while the sun still shines BUT also put away for a rainy day…”
  • 2004: The advent of true globalization via outsourcing. “Globalization’s finally here: it’s an opportunity or your worst nightmare.”
  • 2003: “We’re at the bottom – not going down any further but no factors yet present to stimulate expansion.”

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